At the suggestion of my fantastic sis-in-law, I decided to start a blog. I'm not sure how much it will get updated, since life with 4 little ones gets hectic. But I do promise to try!! Also, since I have a tough time getting pics out and any sort of log of our lives for the kids to look at when they get older, I figure this might just be the answer!
July 2008 flew by. The boys will start school in just over a week and I can't believe that so quickly I will just have the girls at home most of the time. Throughout the month, Janko has begun to count the days until school starts. The boys also had swim lessons this month. Matevz's first exposure to a structured teaching environment proved to be a success as he loved swim class. The month was also marked with Polona gettng her ears pierced. Anamarija continued with her "mama girl" ways. She learned to stand up in her crib and say her name "ata, ata" became "ana, ana" when she is unhappy. The month was also marked with a garage sale in Emporia and a trip to Stara Mama's and Star Ata's. Below are pics from a wedding reception we attended on July 11.