Tuesday, December 15, 2009
Ziga Comes to Emporia!!
We were happy to have Ziga come down from Overland Park to spend a couple of days with us. Polona got to boss him around while the boys were at school. She had him playing house and dress-up and barbies. But as soon as the boys got home it was all monsters and cops and robbers and soccer. I quickly realized that he is definitely his father's son when after exactly one mile from picking him up he reminds me to watch out for the "policija"! I had many laughs as I heard Polona correcting him using his middle name -"Ziga Milan", as he asked me in all innocence why I had been soooooo mean to Janko and Matevz while I look over to make sure they are staying in their respective time outs, and every time I heard him say "Teta Nashna" and especially after Polona corrected him EVERY time he said it!! Thanks for coming to play, Ziga!

Sunday, November 29, 2009
Fall 2009
As usual, it's been a fun filled autumn in the Kalan house. Janko turned seven years old, while Anamarija turned two. As the years pass, I can already see that October will be always a month when I reflect on how fast time flies since Janko, the oldest, and Anamarija, the youngest, both have birthdays. Take a look at what we have been up to........
Thursday, October 29, 2009
Sunday, October 4, 2009
Fall Soccer
Here are a few pics from the boys' first soccer season. Janko was very serious about improving his game and Matevz was basically interested in snack time :) But all in all, they had a lot of fun!!
Monday, August 31, 2009
Thursday, August 13, 2009
First Day Success!!
The 2009-2010 school year started out on a great note in the Kalan house! When I got up this morning at 6:50, I found Matevz at the kitchen table with his uniform on and eating his breakfast. I hadn't heard a thing, which is highly unusual. After telling him "Dobro Jutro" and asking him if he wanted to try any of oci's zucchinni bread, he replied, "thanks mommy, but I already had some." For everyone who knows how Matevz usually wakes up (with his demand for s certain cereal that we are inevitably out of and it just goes downhill from there-fast), this was quite the nice shock for me! He finished his breakfast and was grabbing for his backpack by 7:05am. He was ready for kindergarten!! Janko was a little slower to get going, but he was ready for first grade too. His highlight of the day was getting to have lunch with Fr. Rich and of course, playing soccer again at recess with his buddies. We celebrated the day with slushies from Sonic on the way home. If only the next two hundred mornings of school will be as smooth as today!! I can hope, at least!
Saturday, August 1, 2009
Janko and Matevz's First Sleepover

Last Friday night, July 24, 2009, the boys were invited to the Thomas' house to spend the night with their son Nicholas and 3-4 other boys. Here is a quick picture that I took as they were getting loaded into the car. Obviously, I chose the worst possible location for a pic because to the sun, but I was in a hurry and had to capture something to remember the day by. It was reported that after pizza, a water balloon fight, swimming, and a movie that they made it until 12:30. Needless to say, when I picked them up at 11:00am they were exhausted!
Monday, July 6, 2009
Canada/Cleveland Trip-July 2009

We had a great time on our trip to Canada and Cleveland. We left on Tuesday, June 30 and drove all night, arriving at Windsor, Canada (just across the border in Detroit) and met up with Silvija and Gorazd. Silvija and the rest of the band were in a parade celebrating Canada Day. After the parade, we went to the local Slovene lodge for lunch, dancing, and listening to the band. In the early evening, we headed to Toronto. On Thursday, we walked around Toronto and ended the day with a swim in the hotel pool. On Friday around noon, we said good-bye to Silvija and Gorazd and headed to Niagara Falls. We stopped at a great little town close to the falls, named Niagara on the Lake. There were adorable, little shops and gallaries. We even watched a wedding in the park next to the lake. Friday evening, we headed to Cleveland. On Saturday morning, we met up with Tadeja, Luka, and Matej. We enjoyed the afternoon at the Slovene Pristava, then had dinner with them before hitting the road that evening back to Kansas. All in all, it was a great, great trip. The kids were real troopers in the car and we were so happy that Star Ata joined us for our travels. Additionally, we were blessed to see dear friends from Slovenia and make some new ones along the way!
Monday, June 29, 2009
Where did June 2009 go?

This month flew by and July is not looking to slow down any!! We spent time camping in the backyard, even though it was 100+ degrees. Well, I should clarify and say that Gregor was a good sport and he camped with the boys in the backyard. The girls and I slept in the comfort of the AC! This past weekend, we attended the Habjan family reunion at Teta and Jimmy's house. The kids had such a good time playing with their cousins that they rarely get a chance to see. And today was marked by Janko finally loosing his top tooth. He has been wiggling it for months. He has now lost a total of three. Matevz seems convinced that some of his teeth are also loose and will be falling out any day. I am sure it will happen faster than I think, but for now, all of his baby teeth are safe!
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
Memorial Weekend 2009
The kids and I spent the weekend in Chicopee. Gregor stayed in Emporia to work on the basement without distractions. Polona's fever and Matevz not feeling up to par put a bit of a damper on our activities. But Janko got to do a lot with Stric Jurij and Teta Melissa and Matevz tried hard to keep up too.
Monday, May 18, 2009
Dancin' Machine!!
Anamarija showed her true colors at Jim and Karen Simone's wedding! The entire evening she was in the middle of the dance floor showing off her moves. Her favorite songs were "Y-M-C-A" and "The Hokey Pokey"!! She had a blast and we had the best time watching her!
The best family pic we could get-Anamarija was not happy about having to sit still for 2 minutes!

Sunday, May 10, 2009
Carnival Fun
Last weekend, we were in Pittsburg for a wedding and on Sunday we went with Teta and Jimmy and Paris to the school carnival. The kids had a great time playing game after game. Matevz's favorite was the cake walk, of course. Polona loved going down the giant blow-up slide with Paris and Janko was most into the sport games. The boys ended up with their entire faces painted and Polona ended up with a panther paw and a flower on her cheeks. As soon as I get pics from the wedding downloaded, I will post them also.
Monday, April 27, 2009
Pictures from the past 5 weeks!
I haven't done such a good job of keeping the blog updated over the past month and a half. So I thought I would just post a collection of various pictures that took place since the last time I posted. Here they are.........
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