Friday, March 16, 2012


This past week, Polona has been battling a fever. Much to her disappointment, she has been home from school all week. On Monday, Anamarija was so excited that Polona would be home with her during the day. She had high hopes of playing house or Polly Pockets all day with her sister. In the morning, Polona was too sick to play, but around noon the Tylenol had kicked in and off they went. After about an hour of hearing their little voices talk out different scenarios with their babies, their room fell silent. When I went to check on them, this is what I found.....
Within 24-hours, Anamarija also had a fever....I am so thankful that my girls have each other to share literally everything!

Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Two out of Four!

Check out the pictures of Matevz in his new glasses! Soon after Janko got his glasses this fall, Matevz began to have headaches and tell us that words were blurry. Being the great parents we are, we at first dismissed them as a case of "I want what my brother has". In our defense though, one of the ways that we knew how much Janko needed glasses was because compared to Matevz's results on the highly accurate "flash cards across the room" eye exam, Janko couldn't see anything! So we thought Matevz had great eyes. We were wrong....after two exams, it was determined that he needed bifocals. He has had them five days now and has adjusted wonderfully! It's amazing how much much smoother things run in the house when the boys can see across the room AND see the book in front of them as they read!! Consequently, much to my sadness, it appears that at least two of the kids were blessed with their mother's eyes instead of either father's!! And just when I thought it was finally under control, Polona asked me yesterday, "Mommy, why do I put on Matevz's glasses and they are blurry, but Janko's glasses make everything clear?" . I can only hope she is having a case of "I want what my brothers have". Maybe I had better get that checked out!!