Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Memorial Weekend 2009

Jurij and Janko playing with the boys' cool new helicopters that he and Melissa brought them straight from Hong Kong-Thanks you guys!

Janko with his catch!

Helping with the flowers for the cemetery
Bare bellied Anamarija

The kids and I spent the weekend in Chicopee. Gregor stayed in Emporia to work on the basement without distractions. Polona's fever and Matevz not feeling up to par put a bit of a damper on our activities. But Janko got to do a lot with Stric Jurij and Teta Melissa and Matevz tried hard to keep up too.

Monday, May 18, 2009

Dancin' Machine!!

Anamarija showed her true colors at Jim and Karen Simone's wedding! The entire evening she was in the middle of the dance floor showing off her moves. Her favorite songs were "Y-M-C-A" and "The Hokey Pokey"!! She had a blast and we had the best time watching her!

The center of attention!

The best family pic we could get-Anamarija was not happy about having to sit still for 2 minutes!

"It's fun to stay at the YMCA!"

Sunday, May 10, 2009

Carnival Fun

Last weekend, we were in Pittsburg for a wedding and on Sunday we went with Teta and Jimmy and Paris to the school carnival.  The kids had a great time playing game after game.  Matevz's favorite was the cake walk, of course.  Polona loved going down the giant blow-up slide with Paris and Janko was most into the sport games.  The boys ended up with their entire faces painted and Polona ended up with a panther paw and a flower on her cheeks.  As soon as I get pics from the wedding downloaded, I will post them also.