Tuesday, December 30, 2008
Christmas 2008
This year on Christmas Eve, we decorated the Christmas tree in the afternoon and had a nice lunch of bison roast, potatoes and vegtables before heading to 5:30pm Mass at Sacred Heart in Emporia. In the morning, the kids checked out their stockings and at noon we left for Overland Park. There we had a wonderful dinner at Janez and Ali's. After the kids were in bed, we headed over to Talk of the Town for their Christmas party and stayed WAY too late but had a great time with Janez and Ali and Jurij and Mel and the other party-goers. On Friday, we were off to Pittsburg. Saturday found us at Teta and Jimmy's for brunch with everyone. After Mass, lunch and presents in Chicopee on Sunday, it was finally back to Emporia. It was really a great Christmas and we were so happy to spend so much time with our family.

Friday, December 5, 2008
Miklavz Visits!!
Miklavz found us on Riley Ave in Emporia!! This year, he even had enough time to actually come into the house instead of just taking his cookies and leaving the gifts. Polona was scared out of her mind. Janko was suspicious. Matevz was the bold spokesman with eyes wide open singing and showing off the prayers he knows. He even wanted to call his teacher and tell her about the visit. Miklavz even remembered chocolate for mommy. [Unfortunately, oci missed the visit because he was still stuck at work ;) ]

Monday, December 1, 2008
November 2008
Where does the time go? It is already December 1 and the kids are getting ready for Miklavz (St. Nick) to visit and then Christmas. We had a wonderful 4 days in Pittsburg for Thanksgiving and celebrating Star Ata's birthday. We were also glad to finally see where Teta Melissa lives and works in Neosho, Mo. We spent Saturday of Thanksgiving weekend checking out the fish hatchery, downtown Neosho, and went through the beautiful Christmas light display in Carthage, Mo. on the way back to Pittsburg. This month was also marked by Anamarija learning to walk and getting more and more teeth.
Saturday, November 1, 2008
Halloween 2008
We had a great time on Halloween. The boys had their parade at school. After school, we stopped by Hopkins to see oci. The kids always love to go see where oci works. They loaded up there by going to each department. Next, we came home and waited for Gregor to finish up some last minute things at work. He joined us around 6:30 and we hit the neighborhood. Then we went to Matevz's teacher's house and trick-or-treated there. Our last stop was the two retirement complexes. The older people loved handing out handfuls of candy to the kids. Matevz was in a really good mood, so when Gregor took pictures he got some really good ones of him. All in all, it was a very fun time and they have enough candy to last them until at least Easter-especially after I ration it :)

Monday, October 27, 2008
Janko turns 6 years old!!
Friday was Janko's 6th birthday. We were so glad that Teta Melissa joined us for the weekend. Friday night, we had some cake. Saturday afternoon was spent at the local fishing hole. They brought back one catfish and one baby snapping turtle. Unfortunately for the kids, but fortunately for Gregor and I, the turtle escaped. After Mass on Sunday, stara mama and star ata and stric Janez, teta Ali, Ziga and Zala joined us for pizza and ice cream cake. October birthday season is officially over!!!

Monday, October 13, 2008
Pumpkin Fun!
It's been a busy start to October! Pumpkin patches, train rides, birthday celebrations, and a trip to Chicopee have all helped the month to go way too fast. Take a look.....
Saturday, October 4, 2008
Anamarija turns ONE year old !!!
Yesterday was Anamarija's birthday. We had a low-key day and she napped a lot. After oci got home from work, we had cake and ice cream. Her cake was really a pudding cake so that she could eat it easier since she still hasn't mastered chewing her food much.
I can't believe that it has been a year since she joined our family. Where has the time gone!?!?!? She is such a happy baby who, as one as our friends says, smiles with her whole body. She truly brings much joy to us all!
Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Family Picture

This picture was taken about a month ago. Our friends from school/church asked Gregor to take their family picture that they needed for a school project. After they finished, they took our picture and it turned out really good. It's a rare occasion to get the whole group of us in a shot, so I thought I would post it!
Saturday, September 6, 2008
Labor Day Weekend - Pittsburg
We had a great Labor Day weekend in Pittsburg. Zala and Ziga joined us for some fun times in Chicopee. Gregor completed his century, 102 mile ride on his bike on Saturday. We met him at the finish line. The boys went to the petting zoo with Stric Jurij and Teta Melissa and, as usual, they had a blast! The summer of 2008 is officially over!
Monday, August 11, 2008
And they're off......
Monday, August 11, 2008
School started today!! After weeks of Janko counting down, it was finally time! The backpacks were packed and then repacked. Janko's lunch was planned down to the last grape! He was ready for kindergarten!!! Matevz was equally excited to start five mornings a week of preschool, but true to form, he didn't show it nearly as much as his brother!

Polona enjoying the Playmobil people! Immediately upon returning home from dropping the boys off, she dumped them all out and declared "Janko's going to be mad!" She loved every minute of it!! So much for my worries of her actually missing her brothers!
School started today!! After weeks of Janko counting down, it was finally time! The backpacks were packed and then repacked. Janko's lunch was planned down to the last grape! He was ready for kindergarten!!! Matevz was equally excited to start five mornings a week of preschool, but true to form, he didn't show it nearly as much as his brother!
Friday, August 8, 2008
Sunday, Aug. 3, 2008
The day that Anamarija turned 10 mo. old was spent in Overland Park with cousins Ziga and Zala. Stara Mama and Star Ata and Teta Melissa also make the trek up to spend the afternoon together. We grilled hamburgers and the kids played in the water and had a blast! Here are some pics from the day:

Oci and Anamarija

Janko checking out the new googles Stric Jani gave him

Polona playing in the pool

Thursday, July 31, 2008
July 2008
At the suggestion of my fantastic sis-in-law, I decided to start a blog. I'm not sure how much it will get updated, since life with 4 little ones gets hectic. But I do promise to try!! Also, since I have a tough time getting pics out and any sort of log of our lives for the kids to look at when they get older, I figure this might just be the answer!
July 2008 flew by. The boys will start school in just over a week and I can't believe that so quickly I will just have the girls at home most of the time. Throughout the month, Janko has begun to count the days until school starts. The boys also had swim lessons this month. Matevz's first exposure to a structured teaching environment proved to be a success as he loved swim class. The month was also marked with Polona gettng her ears pierced. Anamarija continued with her "mama girl" ways. She learned to stand up in her crib and say her name "ata, ata" became "ana, ana" when she is unhappy. The month was also marked with a garage sale in Emporia and a trip to Stara Mama's and Star Ata's. Below are pics from a wedding reception we attended on July 11.
July 2008 flew by. The boys will start school in just over a week and I can't believe that so quickly I will just have the girls at home most of the time. Throughout the month, Janko has begun to count the days until school starts. The boys also had swim lessons this month. Matevz's first exposure to a structured teaching environment proved to be a success as he loved swim class. The month was also marked with Polona gettng her ears pierced. Anamarija continued with her "mama girl" ways. She learned to stand up in her crib and say her name "ata, ata" became "ana, ana" when she is unhappy. The month was also marked with a garage sale in Emporia and a trip to Stara Mama's and Star Ata's. Below are pics from a wedding reception we attended on July 11.
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