Monday, August 11, 2008
School started today!! After weeks of Janko counting down, it was finally time! The backpacks were packed and then repacked. Janko's lunch was planned down to the last grape! He was ready for kindergarten!!! Matevz was equally excited to start five mornings a week of preschool, but true to form, he didn't show it nearly as much as his brother!

The whole gang......

Janko checking out his desk

Janko telling Anamarija "adijo"!

Matevz already loving the legos at preschool

Polona enjoying the Playmobil people! Immediately upon returning home from dropping the boys off, she dumped them all out and declared "Janko's going to be mad!" She loved every minute of it!! So much for my worries of her actually missing her brothers!
I can't believe how grown up Janko and Matevz look! Sniff, sniff. You have a beautiful family, guys!
Yay for first day of school!
Polona is a mini Jasna, it's uncanny.
Your kids are ADORABLE! It's hard to believe Palona is THAT big.. I remember when she was soooo tiny. I'm glad you all are doing well!!!!
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